Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Salt & Stone by Victoria Scott [Book Review]

So many many months ago, I received a finished copy of Salt & Stone by Victoria Scott from Chicken House Publishing. I'm so sorry to the people at Chicken House that I didn't read it sooner, but thank you so much for sending it to me, I really appreciated it!!

Anywho, Salt & Stone is the sequel to Fire & Flood which follows 16 year old Tella as she participates in a gruelling tournament called the Brimstone Bleed. What is that you ask? 4 zones, many competitors and only one winner. The prize? A cure for any illness for one person only.

Not only that, but each competitor gets a beast to help them. Each has a different ability and they are called Pandoras. Tella's is a little fox called Madox. He is adorable!!! Honestly, read Fire and Flood and you'll see what I mean. Squee!

You know how in quite a few series, the first book is incredible and then the second isn't as good? This isn't the case here. Salt & Stone is amazing, even better than Fire & Flood. The PERFECT sequel to a PERFECT series beginner. 

This series will test your emotions, it will make your heart race and your blood freeze. It takes it's toll on you in ways you didn't believe a book could, and by the end of it, you feel like you're part of the Brimstone Bleed itself.

Do me a favour folks, read this series!

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