Tuesday 16 September 2014

Without You by Saskia Sarginson [Book Review]

So in one of my more spontaneous book buying binges (Waterstones Southport is beautiful, don't judge me!) I found this little beauty! Now, I was with my sister at the time, who spotted this book and squealed as she doesn't usually see her name like anywhere (you guessed it, she's called Saskia, 10 points to Gryffindor!) so I picked it up and read the blurb. Within seconds Without You was on the top of the shaking book pile that my little arms were holding up.

Usually when I get new books, it takes me ages to read them. However, this was read within a week.

The premise of Without You is about a 17 year old girl named Eva who goes missing at sea, resulting in the community she lived in - including her family - believing she's gone for good. But no? No, you say? What do you mean?!

Well...dear reader, prepare to get your world rocked...'Eva is being held captive. She is fighting to survive - and return home.'

Not only that, but her younger sister, Faith (brilliant name for her character) is determined to bring Eva home alive. Yeah, this book just got interesting.

Without You is a fascinating blend of raw emotion combined with childhood innocence and the shocking way that a small event can change the lives of so many in such a short space of time. I found my heart beating through my chest at times, whereas at others I felt simple revulsion at some of the characters. Sarginson's writing style is superb, she perfectly captures the feelings of Eva, Faith and the other characters who come into play, all whilst persistently luring the audience in, with sharp fast chapters and nail biting cliffhangers.

Then, of course I only had to face the questions of those who tried to disturb me whilst reading this.

'Hey Tasha, want to do this?'

'Hey Tasha, how're you?'


And I was fine...well, until I reached the ending. Holy shamoly. 

Saskia Sarginson, well done! This book was a breath of fresh air into the 'missing person' sub genre of crime and I can't wait to read your other book The Twins!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars

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