Tuesday 16 September 2014

The One by Kiera Cass [Book Review]

 Finally, the review I've been longing to write! The Selection series by Kiera Cass has been one that I've been desperate to review but felt that I could only really review it once it had come to a close. Now of course, I'm not going to give any spoilers, as the whole process of reading this third and final book just to see who America chose is just a mix of so many emotions that I thought all my feels were going to give out. Yes, I just used the term 'feels'. Am I too old for that? Answers on a postcard. Also, does anyone notice that America seems to have everyone and their nan pining after her? Honestly, severe feeding frenzy!

Jokes aside though (for now), this series has been my guilty pleasure from day one. The castes, whilst compared to The Hunger Games, I actually like more than T.H.G and provide an interesting look into how society could be if given a different sort of push and power behind it. Cass creates a dystopian world that has just the right element of realism in it, which engrains itself into your brain whilst you focus on the romantic stuff, creating a powerful story world right under your nose.

But I know what you're all thinking, who did she choose? Really? Not telling! What am I, a spoiler mill?

So during this book we see America supposedly prepping for Princess-dom, going to numerous balls and generally chilling with the other potential princesses. Including Celeste. Oh, Celeste.

 I think that significantly conveys what I have thought of Celeste for the past two books, how my blood has boiled when I've had to witness her. But readers, have no fear! The One spins so many views on so many characters on their heads (not literally, we're not street dancing) in ways that make you question the book altogether, and sometimes makes you think whether any decision that is made is going to be reversed and the book ended with 'it was all a dream'

But no, the prose remains enthralling as usual with so many fangirl moments that I found myself sobbing from both sadness and happiness, probably with a bit of crazy in. It's an impossible decision really, in The Selection, I was Team Maxon. In The Elite, I was Team Aspen. And with this? Utterly bloody clueless! The tension between the three of them during this trilogy has honestly been one of the best love triangles that I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

To sum it up, The Selection series, and in particular The One are fantastic young adult dystopians with a focus on romance that isn't overused or boring. The series is one that you read and initially wonder whether a story about princesses or princes can be anything other than just a normal fairytale. But no, no, no it is so much more. It's a fairytale with new life breathed into it, with a hint of horror and about a pot full of romance with a hell of a lot drama. Yes, that's how I'd sum up this series in one word!

I can't wait to read what Kiera Cass comes up with next!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars

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